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Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan

46 Posts

Father of all was born 5000 years ago?

Question  Shri Krishna was born only about 5000 years ago. How did people become God-realized before He descended? Also, when he was born only 5000 years ago how can He be the Supreme Father? Answer According to the Vedas, Shri Krishna is the Supreme Father. His most recent descension was

The real reason for God's descension

The reason for God's descension can only be attributed to His causeless merciful nature. God descends on Earth out of love and compassion for His children. When God descends on Earth, He takes a name, has a form, spends time with His devotees, visits places, and performs delightful

God descends to impart love to Jnanis

The reason for God’s descension should be one that cannot be accomplished by any means other than His physical presence on Earth. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the fifth original Jagadguru and the most authentic spiritual leader of this age finds the reason provided in the Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran

How to Recognise a Genuine Guru? – Part 2

Continuing our quest to identify a genuine Saint or Guru< to Recognise a Genuine Guru, we previously discussed how a true Saint would never bestow material wealth and refrains from interfering in one’s destiny. Let's explore additional indicators: Refrains from Performing

How to Recognise a Genuine Guru? – Part 1

After acknowledging the indispensability of a Guru in our spiritual journey, the next pressing question is how to recognise a genuine saint amidst the multitude of imposters masquerading as gurus. A straightforward definition of a true Saint is someone who knows God. Knowing has two

A Guide to the Three Types of Devotion

Devotion can be practised in many forms. In the Bhagavatam alone, more than thirty types of devotional practise are mentioned. Devotion simply means to attach your mind to God. Most Saints accept nine forms of devotional practice called navadha bhakti. This is precisely what Prahlad preached to his demonic classmates,