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God descends to impart love to Jnanis
By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
3 min read

God descends to impart love to Jnanis

The reason for God’s descension should be one that cannot be accomplished by any means other than His physical presence on Earth. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the fifth original Jagadguru and the most authentic spiritual leader of this age finds the reason provided in the Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran

The reason for God’s descension should be one that cannot be accomplished by any means other than His physical presence on Earth.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the fifth original Jagadguru and the most authentic spiritual leader of this age finds the reason provided in the Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran more logical than the previous three reasons stated in the Gita to Why does God descend? This fourth reason brought forward by Maharishi Ved Vyas is that God descends on Earth to impart divine love to the gyanis (those following the path of Gyan - knowledge).

Who are Jnanis?

Maharishi Ved Vyas has stated that there are two types of devotees of God. Those who worship the impersonal form of God and others who worship the personal form of God.

Those who love the impersonal form of God, do not acquire a divine body, mind, or intellect after leaving this material body. They, in the form of the pure soul, merge into the impersonal form of God. This is called mukti or liberation from Maya. Those who attain mukti experience neither bliss nor pain, as they become a part of bliss. Their state is like that of someone in an eternal coma, who does not experience either joy or pain.

How is attaining love different?

Those who love the personal form of God, enjoy the divine form, virtues, and association of God. They also have the privilege of living in God’s divine abode. The bliss experienced by these devotees is far sweeter than the bliss of the impersonal form of God. 

Lord Shiva Himself stated that achieving mukti is similar to being put in hellish abodes. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went a step further and said that there is no deception bigger than mukti. Once a jnani attains mukti, he can never attain the bliss of the personal form of God. Whereas, those in hell will one day come out of it and attain human form. Then, there is a possibility that upon associating with a genuine saint and surrendering to the genuine saint, they will attain divine love.

So, the fourth reason as elaborated by Ved Vyas states that God descends on Earth to impart love to the gyanis. Thereby, providing those who love the impersonal form of God a chance to experience the most blissful divine love. 

Bestowing divine love on Jnanis

The debate about the superiority of the impersonal form of God versus the personal form of God is eternal. Lord Krishna wanted to make a very compelling case for the superiority of loving the personal form of God. That is why He sent Uddhav, His childhood friend and prime minister in Dwaraka to Braj to meet the gopis.

Uddhav was the greatest Jnani of dwapar-yuga and he was devoid of divine love. Shri Krishna wished to send Uddhav to Braj to receive divine love from the Gopis. Also, Shri Krishna knew that Uddhav would consider it humiliating to accept the illiterate forest-dwelling gopis of Braj as his Guru. So He tricked Uddhav to go to Braj by using the sleshalankar and said, “Go give jnan to gopis.”.

In Sanskrit grammar, there is an ornate form of speech where the same word has more than one meaning. What He really meant was “go give away jnan to gopis and get divine love from them.” Uddhav did not catch Shri Krishna's nuanced meaning. After all, Uddhav was a gyani and gopis were illiterate forest dwellers. Who would have thought that a gyani is being sent to the teacher (illiterate women) as a student?

Uddhav accepted gopis as his Guru and surrendered to them. The gopis then conferred divine love upon Uddhav.

Like Uddhav, many other crest jewels of gyanis were immersed in the love of the personal form of God. Some examples of such jnanis are the four Kumars, King Janak and Jagadguru Shankaracharya.

God does descend to bestow divine love upon the worshippers of the impersonal form of Brahm. So, Maharshi Ved Vyas's claim is also proven by the scriptures.

What else?

However, skeptics find this explanation hard to accept because of God’s eternal law that He Himself does not bestow divine love upon anyone. Only a bonafide Guru, a God-realized saint has the authority to bestow divine love on his surrendered devotees. Just like Shri Krishna could not bestow divine love upon Uddhav, his dear friend. Shri Krishna had to send Uddhav to the gopis to bestow divine love upon Uddhav.

So, the question remains - what is the real reason behind God’s descension? We will provide the real answer to this question in the next edition.

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By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
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