Is Your Devotion Real or Just an Act?
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By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
2 min read

Is Your Devotion Real or Just an Act?

Remember firmly that in the divine realm, the performer of every action is the mind alone. The world accepts actions performed by physical senses without attachment to the mind as genuine. But actions performed towards God cannot be done superficially, no matter if you chant a million times, do penance,

Remember firmly that in the divine realm, the performer of every action is the mind alone. The world accepts actions performed by physical senses without attachment to the mind as genuine. But actions performed towards God cannot be done superficially, no matter if you chant a million times, do penance, yagya, charity, or other austerities in such a manner. This is because God resides in our heart and notes the extent to which our mind is attached.


I have made such a beautiful prayer of humility, which is the essence of the entire Vedas and scriptures. Have you ever contemplated on even one line of this prayer? Each line in it is filled with such deep feelings. However, you speak it out without any feelings, carelessly looking here and there. When I feel so bad hearing that, how must God be feeling? Reflect on the prayer's intensity and attach your mind when you say it (tad japa: tadarthabhāvanaṃ). When you have taken out five minutes for prayer and arti anyway, do it properly. Understand and sing the kirtans with feelings. Admonish the mind when it thinks of other things during sadhana. Do not listen to the mind. The mind is sinful; become aware of this.


Your heart and intellect now understand what you must do to attain the goal through God and Guru's grace. Now, don't be a slave to the mind. We may not be alive tomorrow. Hence, attach your mind and sing the prayer, aarti, kirtan, or anything else you do. Or, do nothing and only think of God in your mind - but any action performed without the mind and only using physical senses is not considered devotion - it is rather hypocrisy. Those who were so sinful that they could not speak out the name of Ram became saints just through their firm resolve. Hence, become alert and practice - promise yourselves that you will attach your mind during sadhana and not be careless. See where you reach in 10 days.


Some books by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj that will be helpful for daily practice:


Prarthna- English

Satsang- English

Spirituality in Daily Living (Set of 4)- English

By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
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