Your Heart, Your Temple: The Secret of Idol Worship

Have you ever wondered about the practice of idol worship? Beyond the beautiful statues and rituals lies a deeper secret, one that touches the very core of human emotion and connects us to the ever-present divine.   More Than Just a Statue: Finding Focus Idol worship isn't about bowing

Why am I unhappy?

यह लेख हिदी में पढ़ें Desires are the root cause of misery. The moment a desire is created in your mind, you have invited unhappiness and dissatisfaction into your life. To an outsider, it may appear that a millionaire is the happiest person in the world with a

मैं दुखी क्यों हूँ ?

Read this article in English कामनाएँ ही दुःख का मूल कारण हैं। जिस क्षण आपके मन में कोई कामना पैदा हो, समझ लें कि आपने दुःख, अशान्ति और अतृप्ति को आमंत्रित कर

Dance With the Divine!

Dance with the Divine: Kirtan, Surrender, and Finding Eternal Love in Krishna! Forget fleeting hearts and sugary promises. This Valentine's Day, discover a love that goes beyond, a love that binds your soul to its very source: love for Krishna, our eternal beloved. Krishna: Not Just a Deity,

जगद्गुरूत्तम दिवस

कहा जाता है कि श्री महाराज जी ने उपाधि स्वीकार करके हम पर छप्पर फाड़ कर कृपा की है। श्री महाराज जी को सम्मानित किया गया इससे हम पर किस प्रकार से कृपा हुयी? प्रति वर्ष, हम यह दिन उत्सव के रूप में क्यों मनाते हैं? इसको मनाने से हमारा क्या लाभ होगा?


Wishing you a very happy BHAKTI DIVAS (Jan 1 is celebrated by Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat as Bhakti Divas) and a HAPPY NEW BHAKTI YEAR filled with good health and abundance of spiritual wealth. 2023 was a mixed year like any other year. It went by fast, brought some good news

Our One and Only One Mistake

All of you have lived countless lifetimes. Countless times you have attained this human body. Countless times you have met any number of Saints, and countless times you have gained the knowledge of those Saints as well. This was the best and last thing you ever attained. But countless times

Science of Bhakti

To practise devotion or bhakti is the essence of Vedic philosophy. There are numerous definitions in different scriptures and in the writings of different commentators. Let us understand its true definition, according to Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, and what its practical application involves. Most people will be aware that