The causelessly merciful Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna Himself, graces souls and adopts them forever. He assumes a variety of forms and performs divine pastimes to deliver suffering souls from the powerful clutches of maya, gracing them with unlimited divine bliss. From time to time, Lord Krishna appears before us in the form of a Guru, and He worships His own self to show us the path to God-realisation. He in turn motivates us to follow that path and attain Him forever. In so doing, He becomes His own devotee, performs His own devotion, and destroys our ignorance of countless lifetimes by giving us His true divine knowledge.
Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya is considered the descension of Lord Shiva. Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya is considered the descension of the sudharshana chakra of Shri Krishna. Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya is considered the descension of Shesh Naag. Lord Krishna or Vasudeva Himself appeared as Jagadguru Shri Madhvacharya to protect and propagate bhakti. In this manner, many personal powers of Lord Krishna have descended as Braj Saints (maharasiks), appearing before us in the form of a Guru to guide us on the path to God-realisation.
Many devotees adamantly believe that the power of grace, Shri Radha Rani Herself, descended in the form of our beloved Gurudev, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, to take us on the path of devotion, so that we could realise the ultimate goal of receiving the divine love of the Divine Couple, Shri Radha Krishna.
I offer my humble obeisance unto my dear spiritual master who,
with pure spiritual knowledge, has illuminated my consciousness
which was blinded by the darkness of nescience.
The causelessly merciful Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna Himself, graces souls and adopts them forever. He assumes a variety of forms and performs divine pastimes to deliver suffering souls from the powerful clutches of maya, gracing them with unlimited divine bliss. From time to time, Lord Krishna appears before us in the form of a Guru, and He worships His own self to show us the path to God-realisation. He in turn motivates us to follow that path and attain Him forever. In so doing, He becomes His own devotee, performs His own devotion, and destroys our ignorance of countless lifetimes by giving us His true divine knowledge.
Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya is considered the descension of Lord Shiva. Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya is considered the descension of the sudharshana chakra of Shri Krishna. Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya is considered the descension of Shesh Naag. Lord Krishna or Vasudeva Himself appeared as Jagadguru Shri Madhvacharya to protect and propagate bhakti. In this manner, many personal powers of Lord Krishna have descended as Braj Saints (maharasiks), appearing before us in the form of a Guru to guide us on the path to God-realisation.
Many devotees adamantly believe that the power of grace, Shri Radha Rani Herself, descended in the form of our beloved Gurudev, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, to take us on the path of devotion, so that we could realise the ultimate goal of receiving the divine love of the Divine Couple, Shri Radha Krishna.
I offer my humble obeisance unto my dear spiritual master who,
with pure spiritual knowledge, has illuminated my consciousness
which was blinded by the darkness of nescience.
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Daily Devotion - Dec 23, 2024
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Prem Ras Siddhant - An Unparalleled Scripture
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प्रेम रस सिद्धान्त, एक अद्वितीय ग्रन्थ
प्रेम रस सिद्धान्त एक अद्वितीय ग्रन्थ है। वेदों, उपनिषद्, भागवत, गीता, रामायण सब का सार हमारे गुरुवर ने हमारे सामने रख दिया। सम्पूर्ण
The Dangers of Asking God for Worldly Things
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