Why does God descend?
By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
4 min read

Why does God descend?

In Bhagavad Gita Shri Krishna states 3 reasons for why He descends. Know those reasons and more

People often wonder about the reasons behind the descension of the almighty, omnipresent, omnipotent God on Earth. 

In sacred Bhagavad Gita, one of the most popular Hindu scriptures, Shri Krishna explains three primary reasons behind God’s descension on Earth

  • #1 - to protect saintly souls,
  • #2 - to destroy the demons,
  • #3 - for the establishment of religion

In this edition, we will explore these reasons in detail. We will reference evidence from Indian scriptures such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and the Gita to support this explanation. We will also discuss the skepticism surrounding these reasons, offer possible explanations as to why there may be reasons to believe that the stated reasons are not fully conclusive. In upcoming editions we will explore other reasons for the descension of God as elaborated by Maharishi Ved Vyas. 

Protecting saints and killing demons

In reviewing ancient Indian history, it is clear that God has descended numerous times. One of His purposes was killing demons and protecting saintly souls. 

  • At the time of the dainandin pralaya, Lord Matsya appeared to save the seven sages. For the entire duration of the pralaya, He pulled their boat through the pralaya water. He protected them and imparted divine knowledge to them. 
God descended to protect the sages during one of the pralaya
  • Lord Varah descended to lift the Earth from under the water and grant saintly souls a place to live. 
  • Lord Narsingh descended on Earth to save His dear devotee Prahlad.
  • Lord Ram accompanied Saint Vishwamitra to the forest to protect the sages from demons like Tadka and Subahu. He provided the shelter of His lotus feet to Vibhishana and Sugriv, saving them from the atrocities of their demonic brothers. 
  • Lord Krishna saved the innocent people in Braj from the assault of demons like Aghasura, Bakasur, Trinavrat, Pootna and many others.
Shri Krishna saved the people of Braj from all the demons' attacks.
  • Later, He rescued His virtuous parents from the clutches of His cruel uncle Kansa, who had imprisoned them. He also saved the life of the illustrious Pandavas many times including from the Lakshagraha (a house made of lac which was later set on fire on the behest of Duryodhan). Shri Krishna saved Pandavas from the wrath of Saint Durvasa etc.

So, the statement of Bhagwad Gita “ God descends to protect saints”, “ God descends to kill demons” is well evidenced in our holy scriptures and is true.

Establishment of religion

Saints play a crucial role in establishing religion. They spread the word of God and teach people about the principles of religion. Some saints also set an example for others by living their lives in accordance with those principles. Saints are revered by people, and their teachings have a profound impact on the lives of common people. 

There are many types of saints, and they come from different walks of life. Some saints are known for their piety and devotion to God, while others are known for their acts of charity. Regardless of their background, all saints have one thing in common: they dedicate their lives to the service of God. According to Hindu scriptures, God descends on Earth to protect the saints and to establish dharma

Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means “righteousness” and also “duty.” Maharshi Ved Vyas has stated that these universal laws are made by God to ensure the smooth functioning of human society. 

Additionally, when God descends, He also demonstrates the practical form of religion by following the precepts of dharma. This helps people understand what dharma is and how to live in accordance with dharma. For example:

  • Lord Ram set an example by fulfilling the duties of a son, brother, king, etc.
  • Lord Krishna set the example as a dutiful student while receiving education from Sandipani Muni.
Shri Krishna was the ideal student of Sandipani Muni
  • Lord Krishna also set the gold standard of benevolence by donating 16,000 well-decorated, well-fed cows with their calves every day. These are all facets of establishing the order of religion. 

What else?

Many skeptics reason that God is omnipresent and omnipotent. He can create and annihilate the entire material world merely by thinking about it. When His powers are so great, why does He have to make the effort to descend on Earth to protect saintly souls? He could merely think and all demons would be destroyed. 

Lord Ram roamed around in the jungles for a decade, building a massive army to fight against Ravana. Could Lord Ram not have killed Ravana by merely making a resolve thus rescuing Mother Sita immediately? 

So even though the three reasons stated in the Gita are valid, they do not fully and conclusively explain the underlying reason for God’s descension. Maharishi Ved Vyas has stated another reason for God’s descension. This will be explored in the next edition.


By Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan profile image Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
Updated on
Divine Descensions Divine Philosophy Eternal Vedic Scriptures Nature of God